We are the igniters of hot and cold therapy here in the High Country of Victoria in a nomadic way. . .

Sauna is hygiene. Wellness. Mind-body sensation. Ecstasy. Socialisation. Meditation. Totally positive addiction. And, a way of life.

—Naomi Moriyama

Why not create a sauna culture and nestle this art into this landscape?

Inspired by our travels overseas and meeting different cultures, we thought to bring a place of great benefit, relaxation, and community to this Bright region that so many have utilised for centuries.

After over a year of dreaming, planning and thinking, we created Håut Hutt. Pronounced “Hot Hut"…just as simple as it sounds and nice to look at.

We are happy that we have such thoughtfully made pieces of art like these that can heal us in more ways than we know.

Being more than just a sauna, being a place of healing for the mind, body and soul.

We look forward to meeting you soon for a hot session.